Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Black Deaf Experience Excellence And Equity Essay

The Black Deaf Experience: Excellence and Equity gives more examples of how minorities have contributed to the majority in a beneficial way. They main ideology that was presented was that people bring a unique perspective that can bring more clarity (5). For example, Hillard theorizes that discrimination only happens when a threat to power occurs. He goes onto say that this was first discovered by black individuals and later spread to every marginalized group. They were able to use the new perspective, created by one group, and every marginalized group was able to use it. Many disabled theories arose from racism models that came from black theories. For example Critical Race Theory evolved into Critical Deaf Theory. Without the input or marginalized races, there would be no work to build on to. They also state that one of the ways to reach equity is through a similar education among groups so that there is equal access to resources in effect all people could all contribute instead of only have a few percentage benefiting society(7). Everyone needs education that is on the same caliber, but centered around their personal ideologies. This would help them learn in a way that is best for them. Black Deaf Students: A Model for Educational Success Williamson explores the types of environments that would be best for deaf black students. She is able to do this by taking all of the intersectionality’s that are variables in the success of deaf black individuals. She took theShow MoreRelatedNontraditional Casting944 Words   |  4 Pagesany equal opportunity in reality. 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